Hello, World! I am a wife of going on 17 years, a mom of three and have had my share of life experiences that I think others will find useful. I am not here to make a name for myself. Although I would love to have my own consulting company, I think that as I start a new chapter in my life, I will stick with what I know.
About me:
I statrted a weight loss journey almost four years ago and through clean eating and exercise, I lost almost 80 pounds and kept it off. It is a struggle every day.
I have always been in upper management, and I am a communication specialist specializing in strategic planning and team building. Not everyone knows how to fix issues or conflicts, that is where I come in.
Lastly, through two notable sites, I have traced my ancestry back to Kenneth MacAlpin and Robert the Bruce. I have a proud lineage that I can trace way back.. You would not believe me if I told you just how far. I am working on this project a little at a time as well as writing a book. I am writing a book about high school sweethearts that have an interesting back and forth that spans about 45 years. It will touch a nerve for many. Some of those that I have given a private reading to have shed tears; as an author this was the best compliment we can get.
What will I be doing and why will it make a difference? I think that if you can better yourself, why not? I have various topics that as moms and wives and careerprofessionals that we can all relate to and learn from. I hope you will share your thoughts on topics that I will be sharing and I look forward to sharing and talking to you.
When I create my topics for the workplace, I have already created a list of the most common areas that need to be addressed. I will gladly share and answer specific questions should you have any.
Some topics coming up will be:
-Why is Being a "Trendy" Important?
-How to Create and Maintain Your Fitness Goals
-Dealing with Time Management
-Confronting and Handling Workplace Drama
We are moms first, but there is something to be said about being proud of who you are and what you do. Hold your head high and hold on for the ride!
Today's first topic will be address "What is a trendy mom?" There are several answers but I will share with you what this means to be. It encompasses many things. From dressing for a family outing or football game to work place etiquette and professional dress...this is just the tip of the iceberg. To me, it also means being the girl your husband fell in love with. If you care so will he. We all tend to get comfortable and go through weight gain from the child bearing years. I feel a good relationship, including your sex life, starts at the mosts basest of human instincts...attraction. Odds are, you will both benefit and you have a built in work out buddy in your husband. Make him get off the couch, too. Yes, you are doing it for yourself and for the health benefits, but being able to play and trun around with your kids is huge. If it isn't, put the cheeseburger down becuase it is you that I am talking to. Get off the couch and go for a walk. Everyone says, oh I hurt too much...I can't! Well, duh! You will hurt becuase you haven't been doing anything. People say that after the first two weeks, it gets easier. This is so true. You have to get up and get active. I will tell you things that most people are afraid to say. Quit blaming it on having babies. Get the heck up and have a smoothie instead of cereal or a donut. Enjoy the many ways you can get protein and exercise in; you will be surprised at what you can do.
Are you the one who is afraid to be seen outside in shorts, much less in the gym? Here is where I will help you. Listen to me. There is lots to do around the house. Start with some yoga videos or invest in a treadmill. Start out with just a little everyday. I have to say it but you must consult with a doctor before doing any exercise program and I am not offering medical advice. I am telling you that once I saw that I was FAT and admitted it, I began to take ownership of the fact that I was eating crap and doing little about it. I started with My Fitness Pal. Once I saw that the food I thought wasn't so bad was really about 3000 or so a day, I nearly choked!
I love using gallon juice bottles as weights. Even start with soup cans. Do squats while you do your hair or prepare dinner. My kids thought I was nuts, but they are used to it now. Do calf raises while you fold laundry. You have to start looking for small ways to make exercise part of your schedule. Don't say you don't have time. That is another crutch. Make the time. It makes you feel so much better. I know people say that often; it is true. I may have a long day at work, there was a volleyball game and football practice, but at 9:00 or whatever after the kids were in bed, I took time for myself and would go walk or run. It can even make headaches go away. I rarely have migraines anymore after I learned what food was doing me harm. There is such a thing. We do not all process food the same way. Start a journal and weigh every day for two or three weeks. You will learn what you can eat and what makes you gain. It is mind blowing. Seriously.There will be haters that complain and make mean comments, but I am telling you that it can be done. You can be the best you yet, but you have to make the changes. It is work. Every day. I love food. It is hard, but by surrounding yourself with a good support system, you will make it happen. We will get into time management later; most people struglle with this at home, not just in the workplace. I am all about time management.
I want to help someone else who is struggling like I was. I did not want to be the fat mom anymore. That is who I am and why it matters;\ I was that mom. I will never be her again. I am better, stronger and the best mm I can be. Sorry, that is not meant to be offensive but it is a truth for me. I want my kids to be proud and I want to be around for them for a long time. I want to look good and feel good in this body I was given. So pull out your skinny jeans and knee boots, put on the fabulous scarf you just scouted out, and let's get trendy!!!
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