Here are my top three tips for getting back to school on schedule with no trips on the crazy train. Three little steps, three big time savers for the back to school madness.
1. We pick out all outfits for the week on Sunday afternoon. In the front of the closet you will have them all on hangers with shoes for the outfits as well. Done deal. No muss no fuss. This shaves time off of your busy morning and saves everyone's sanity as well.
2. The first week of school, I like to be memorable and special. I always make pancake muffins with sausage bites inside. They are fun and easy to warm up. I prepare these on the last Sunday before school as well. They are all cooked and ready to go, again, saving you precious time and helps to keep you sane and the kids are happy.
Recipe for pancake muffins:
Mix up as much pancake batter as you like.
I warm up turkey sausage links (your choice) and cut into pieces to tuck into batter once inside a greased muffin tin. Cook at 375 degrees for 12 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. I made the jumbo muffins this time as you can see.
3. Find somewhere to keep your backpacks. Hooks, shelf, cubbies whatever you want...just do it. Lunchboxes are hung on the outside of ours with backpacks on hooks under the chore board. So when you come home and hang up your things, a.) you know where everything is and b.) you have no excuse for missing any chores that need to be done.
Organize, plan and organize some more. It will help make everyone happy. You know what they say, "If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy." BE A HAPPY MOMMA!
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